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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The last bit of my time wasted on a STALKER~

This post, unfortunately goes out to a Twit on Please move on, go bother someone
else, you bore me and quite frankly I'm tired of
of being"stalked". Every tweet I make, every
conversation with another, there you are in my

I really could care less what you think of me, and
here's a shocker, your opinion means nothing to me
and my life. You're like a cock-roach, you just never
go away. I have ignored alot but I don't need to, I have
just as much of a right to be and tweet on Twitter and
it's becoming a nuisance having to hear all of the negative
bullshit that you spew about me.

Why don't you put on your big girl panties and grow
the hell up, better yet I cannot stress enough, move on!
Everyone has there on opinion and since you read my 
previous post, I clearly mention how unprofessional it
is to bring your biased shit to Twitter with the intention
to start shit, then turn around and attack people who do
NOT agree with you. (Very Apparent) what you're doing.

All I know is that this is/has gotten way out of hand,
and I refuse to deal with your shit anymore. Go color
your rainbows, unicorns, or whatever the hell else you
play with, and get gone. Oh and one more thing "have
a nice day"! lmao

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